The Brewers' Mug uses
a Rotating Draft for general
rules governing the opening Draft, then makes a slight change
to the subsequent drafts, as follows:
The drafting order runs 1-16, 16-1, etc. on opening day, then
1-16, 1-16, etc. for the subsequent Drafts.
Each GM selects 6 Forwards (wingers or centres), 4 Defensemen
and 1 Goalie, plus 2 Reserves (can be player or goalie).
Points are awarded for each goal scored by any active player
over the time period of that game. If a player is brought up
"mid-game", that player's goals will not count until the start
of a new game. An additional point is awarded for each goalie
Win and an additional point is awarded for a Shut-out.
Trades can be made at any time up to the Trading Deadline as
indicated by the last draft, marked on the schedule. No trades
for money. All trades are subject to a ruling by tribunal made
up of the commissioner plus two randomly selected participating
Coaches from both divisions. Trades can be made at any time
but the points from roster changes are in effect only after
the beginning of the new game.
Trades may not be made simply in order to have maximum number
of players for a particular game period. Anyone determined by
a tribunal to have traded illegally will be fined $20 by the
league per occurance and/or that trade will be rescinded
Injured players may be traded only if the receiving GM is aware of the injury. In the event a trade is made and it is discovered that one of the players is injured, the trade will be rescinded - unless a period of 2 weeks has passed, or one of the players involved in the trade has been moved to another team. (When required it will be up to the discretion of the commissioner to make a ruling on the trade)
If a trade that includes a draft pick is made prior to a draft based on the draft order published or not published, the actual draft pick will be based on attendance at the draft versus the order of the pick at the time of the trade.
An injured player on reserve cannot be activated unless there is an injury to a current player. Substitutions can be made if a player is placed on the injured list, or
whenever a trade is made. Substitution moves can be made
at any time but the points from roster changes are in effect
only after the beginning of the new game. (i.e. not in the middle of a 2 or 3-night game). A player must be moved up into a lineup prior to the start of games for the first night of the match. (That means if you move a player up at 9pm but games that day started at 7pm, then the move will not be recognized until the start of your next match). For each Playoff round you need to set your lineup prior to the start of games in exactly the same way we play the regular season.
During playoffs however the substitution rule is strictly enforced - NO player substitutions allowed for any reason. Moves may only occur between series.
As hockey
is a physical game several injuries occur to the players. In
order to keep a team's roster full and hopefully competitive,
GM's are allowed to make use of injured reserve. The intent
of injured reserve is to allow GM's an opportunity to replace
an injured player with a reserve player. When the injured player
is ready to return to action the GM can replace an active
player with the player coming off I.R. Once you have activated your injured player, that player
may only be moved to I.R again if shown with a new or repeat injury in an Injuries profile on ESPN or TSN (official injuries listings). I.R. moves can only be made
during the regular season up until the trading deadline. After the trading deadline a player can only be moved down, not up. The points from roster changes are in effect
only after the beginning of the new game (see Substitutions above).
The top eight teams from the league shall enter the Mug Championship series playoffs
in a best of 7 series with the top team playing the bottom team
in their respective division or depending on the number of teams in the division, team 1 plays team 8. If two teams are tied after the regular season, the tie-breaker will be Goals For and if the two teams are tied in GF then the team with the Most GA moves ahead. During playoff games, tie-games will be decided by the
earliest goal scored by players only (no goalie wins) over the
next game period and the playoffs continue while overtime is
being decided. The first place team in each division will automatically be placed position 1-2. The bottom eight teams league-wide also
enter a separate round of playoffs in a similar manner.
we have 16 participants ($2,400), the Division leaders at the
end of the regular season receive $200 each. The remainder is
divided as follows:
Mug Champion (winner of Mug) |
$1,000 |
Mug Runner-up (in championship) |
$500 |
Mug Consolation (Jock) Champion |
$400 |
First place
Domestic Division |
$200 |
First place
Import Division |
$200 |
Barry Grieves Award (Most GOALS FOR in regular season) |
$100 |
There are two types of drafts
in the MUG. In-person drafts (such as the Opening day draft) and
online drafts.
In-person drafts: everyone makes their picks according to the draft order set forth
by the commissioner prior to the draft time (established based
on the final results of the prior year). Everyone makes their
picks in order 1-16, 16-1, etc. Please NOTE that you are expected
to be in person for the opening draft and all-star game draft.
Phone in's are accepted but you must call someone other than the
commissioner to have them make your picks. If you are not at the
draft and ON-TIME, the commissioner will select the next available
player from the available player list on your behalf. (you will
NOT lose a pick). If a trade that includes a draft pick is made prior to a draft based on the draft order published or not published, the actual draft pick will be based on attendance at the draft versus the order of the pick at the time of the trade.
It is your responsibility to be aware of the
draft dates, a reminder call or email may be sent as a courtesy
only but is not a requirement.
Opening day draft location: The winner of the Mug chooses where the next opening draft will be held. The winner of the Jock chooses where the next All-Star Game Draft will be held.
Opening day draft order: New GMs (coaches) are automatically granted LAST pick. It
is within the right of an existing coach to force the rookie to
switch picks with them if desired. For example, if an existing
coach would rather have the final slot rather than 14th or 15th,
etc they may demand it and switch with the rookie coach. If two
coaches want to change they will flip a coin to determine the
final slots
Online drafts: everyone makes their picks according to the draft order set forth
by the commissioner prior to the draft time (established based
on the results nearest the day of the draft). Everyone makes their
picks in order 1-16, 1-16, etc. Please NOTE that you are expected
to be online for these drafts. Phone in's are accepted but you
must call someone other than the commissioner to have them make
your picks. If you are not at the draft and ON-TIME, you forfeit
your first round pick. It is your responsibility
to be aware of, remember and participate in each of the drafts,
a reminder call or email may be sent as a courtesy only but is
not a requirement. It is your responsibility to pre-test your
system requirements in advance and log-in in advance of the draft. You are not allowed to trade your first round pick unless you are actually present on the chat/call.
Email drafts: picks are made one at a time in order of the draft as set at the start day. The commissioner sends an email message requesting the GM make a move to pick up and drop one player. Player will miss their turn if they have not responded within 8 hours of the request. 2 complete rounds will be completed before opening the floor up to open picks on a first-come first-served basis.
Draft Picks: in the event that a player is selected at a draft that does not match the position they were drafted as (i.e. pick up a forward as a defenseman), we will just remove that player from a team and replace it with ?? on the rosters. The GM has until the next scheduled game starts to change for a proper player and if no pick is made they have to wait until the next draft.
If a player is picked as a D and he is or was a D as shown by - then gets moved to forward etc. then that player is still eligible until the next draft. |