Online drafts:
Everyone makes their picks according to the draft order set forth
by the commissioner prior to the draft time (established based
on the results nearest the day of the draft).
Picks are made in order 1-16, 1-16, etc.
Please NOTE that you are expected
to be online for these drafts. Phone in's are accepted but you
must call someone other than the commissioner to have them make
your picks. If you are not at the draft and ON-TIME, you forfeit
your pick. (up to first two rounds are lost). It is your responsibility
to be aware of, remember and participate in each of the drafts,
a reminder call or email may be sent as a courtesy only but is
not a requirement. It is your responsibility to pre-test your
system requirements in advance using Skype.

This year we are using Skype as our Online draft application. Please download and install this software
Email me when you have set yourself up so I can add you to my contacts list |